Looking to get involved in the community? There are over 60 service and social clubs active in the DeWitt area to partcipate in! Contact us for an up-to-date listing.
Family Career and Community Leaders of America: This picture was taken at Hall of Fame at our end of the year party. We celebrate a year of community involvement. We also present what we call "The Friend of the Family Award," which goes to a person that dedicates their time to the community. We awarded Laurie Wildes and Beth Sheckel as this year’s recipient. What a great year to celebrate!
National Honors Society: The National Honor Society (NHS) is a nationwide organization in the United States, which may consist of many chapters in high school. Selections may be based on four criteria: Scholarship, leadership, service, and character. Our school has twenty-nine members representing the National Honors Society.
Special Olympics is an international competition, modeled on the Olympic Games, in which mentally and physically handicapped athletes compete. Central DeWitt has a team that performs very well each year!
Speech: Large Group State Speech, which was held at Cedar Rapids Kennedy High School. We sent 12 groups to state large group, and out of those 12 there were 9 Division I ratings, and 3 Division 2 ratings.
Student Council: A student led organization that becomes involved in the affairs of the school, working in partnership with school management, staff and parents for the benefit of the school and its students.
Stand for the Silent: Started in 2010 by a group of students from the Oklahoma State University after they heard the story of Kirk and Laura Smalley’s son, Ty Field-Smalley. At eleven years old, Ty took his own life after being suspended from school for retaliating against a bully that had been harassing him for over two years.. Kirk came to Central DeWitt to talk to the students and told everyone Ty’s story. Now we have a club surround around Ty’s legacy.
Future Business Leaders of America: The FBLA chapter at our Elementary Mentoring event. Each year for a community outreach project we have a group of students go over to Ekstrand Elementary and educate second grade students about business concepts. We set up stations that allows them to learn the information in a fun way and apply their prior knowledge to real life situations. This is an event that we hope to continue in the future!
Future Business Leaders of America: Attended the State Leadership Conference where they competed to advance to the National Competition in Atlanta Georgia. To qualify you must place in the top four. Awarded is the top 6 and our chapter had 13 team and individuals to receive awards.
Robotics: Central DeWitt's Robotics team represented at the State Competition.
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Hello DeWitt!! My name is Brittany Berrie and I am the Director at The Adopted Closet! My partner Branden and I moved to DeWitt a little over two and a half years ago now and have loved getting to know this awesome community! We have three crazy...
By hosting a Revive After Five in September, we were able to celebrate our 25th Anniversary with the DCDC membership and gain great exposure in our community.
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